Greensmart 2″, 3″, 4″ Bypass & Diverter Valve Systems
GreenSmart has developed a range of graywater/wastewater diverters for builders and developers to comply with larger residential and commercial installations.

product overview
Greensmart 2”– 4” PVC/CPVC Bypass/Diverters are third party tested and compliant to IAPMO PS 59, the applicable industry standard for these specialized valves. UPC/IPC Listed and compliant for Alternate Non Potable Water Source uses, Rainwater, Greywater, Indirect & Special Wastes, and many other applications where automatic directional control, capture, separation, treatment, is required.
All actuated diverters are equipped with Battery Backup Failsafe as standard equipment to limit overflow and flood exposure, designed with logic boards and position outputs for BMS, BACnet, control and communication.
All Diverter Systems are special ordered to project specifications. Failsafe positions are preprogrammed at the factory per individual order.
product information
Universal Plumbing Code
ASTM D1784 / ASTM D2466 / ASTM D2467 / ASTM D2464 / ASTM F1498 / ASTM F439 / ASTM F437
ANSI B1.20.1/ANSI B16.5