We have compiled information that will add to your understanding of Graywater / Wastewater / Nonpotable Water Source Applications.
As you review these materials, keep in mind that GreenSmart Diverter Solutions Already Comply
With State and Local Codes Regulations, and Ordinances.
Guide to Understanding Alternate Nonpotable Water Source Applications
A detailed list of sources, definitions, and key regulations, all in one place for easy reference. Review this information first.
Graywater Codes & Regulations
Links to codes, regulations, ordinances, and guidelines for Graywater / Wastewater / Alternate Nonpotable Water Sources.
Graywater Organizations and Information Resources
Links to overview information about graywater / water conservation and organizations that focus on water conservation, green plumbing, and drought.
Graywater Service Providers
Links to businesses that provide services related to water conservation & code compliance: contractors, engineers, plumbers and landscape architects.
Definition of Wastewater / Graywater
A list of the types of fluids that are considered graywater / wastewater and can be reused in various ways.
Graywater Plumbing Plans
Conceptual drawings showing where GreenSmart diverters can be used in practical applications for water conservation.